Recovering people through employment

Our Numbers

Hired professionals

People served

Insertions in the labor market

The Association

Our main objective is the active contribution to greater and deeper knowledge and development of the field of psychosocial rehabilitation and to promote its practical application.

What we do?

In the Murcian Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation we develop projects, activities and programs of socio-labor insertion for the care of people with addiction problems and / or chronic mental disorder. We intend to provide individualized itineraries and personal accompaniment to each beneficiary who wishes to start a process of improving their personal and professional situation, aiming to favor the effective labor incorporation, the reduction of relapse rates, as well as to promote a better quality of life of the affected people and their families within the scope of the Autonomous Community of Murcia.

Our commitment

The Murcian Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, assumes the commitment to intervene as an organization in the wellbeing of people who are in a situation of social vulnerability, because of having a serious mental disorder and / or addiction problems.

The Association has an exclusive dedication to the people who have serious mental disorders and / or addiction problems, trying to reduce their difficulties, to carry out a full life, attending to their most difficult situations, which in many cases, are derived from their unemployment situation and job insecurity.



Organize and manage rehabilitation and leisure programs for intervention groups.


Promote policies and develop programs that respond to the specific needs of the mentally ill and / or drug addicts.


Collaborate with public organizations, that work in psychosocial rehabilitation.


Encourage the sharing of the experiences of each autonomy and ensure the collection and dissemination of information and publications, through the media.


Organize scientific activities for the study and debate of the different aspects of psychosocial rehabilitation.


Promote consultation services on psychosocial rehabilitation tasks.


Support efforts that contribute to reducing relapse rates and the level of disability of chronic mental patients and / or drug addicts

Training modules

Workshops run by qualified professionals that adjust to the demands and needs of the group with the objective that users acquire or recover work habits

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